The Enterprise Research Institute

The Enterprise Research Institute (ERI) is a leading consulting group in the development field. It works with governments and international finance institutions to provide advice and technical assistance that emphasizes the need for continuing, consistent reform to strengthen countries’ institutions that support economic growth. We focus on:

  • Issues related to improving the business environment so that the private sector can attain its full potential.
  • Improving access to finance and financial market development.
  • Strengthening property rights for both movable and immovable property
  • Identifying institutional weaknesses, particularly in the areas of business law and contracting.
  • Designing reforms that will reduce transactions costs and promote investment and entrepreneurship

 To accomplish these goals ERI works with international and bilateral aid institutions to diagnose problems and design programs to promote reform. Partners include:

  • The World Bank
  • The Inter-American Development Bank
  • The Asian Development Bank
  • The International Monetary Fund
  • The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)

 ERI advises IFIs and governments on the implementation of these programs. We help government officials to identify areas that have restricted private sector and financial market development. We also specialize in assessments of the environment for the private sector as well as analyzing barriers to the workings of financial markets.

Within the United States, ERI works with regional and local governments to analyze features of local economies and suggests policies to promote local development.